Should Jerusalem be adopted as the National Anthem?

Watch now on 4oD player, click here. Ollie Baines remembers singing Jerusalem for the Queen and at the funeral of a close friend, and believes it is a stirring anthem that everyone can get behind.


  1. Christine Shaw said:

    Saturday, 16th October 2010, 1:51 pm (GMT)

    Absolutely yes…it’s much more meaningful and rousing than the current Nat. Anth.
    Really enjoyed watching you guys sing it at the Marina last night…great show.
    Thanks! xxxx

  2. Janey said:

    Tuesday, 2nd November 2010, 12:54 am (GMT)

    Yes I think it should become our National Anthem- or Land of Hope and Glory would be another good choice. It’s about time we started being proud of English heritage, and standing up for it.